Attila Rajcsók – the sculptor – was born in 1983, graduated in 2008 from the Hungarian University of Fine Arts. His masters were Pál Kő, Zoltán Karmó and Péter Gálhidy. During his career so far, Rajcsók has experimented with several materials and machining techniques. His works, which balance on the border of abstraction and figurativeness, whether of wood or metal, are always concerned with the question of the boundaries, independence and balance of form. His works made of steel are mostly reminiscent of natural forms. Despite the brittleness of the material, the layering of steel hinges lends a unique dynamic to each structure. The snail houses, the plants that form the formal basis of the works, are not simply depicted by Rajcsók, but at the same time they are reinterpreted. The sculptures close into themselves as a result of the layering of the steel and as a result of which the works hide their secrets in an intimate interior. As if the sculpture itself, a sheath, is a closed shell that obscures, makes inaccessible the whole reality of the work.