Imre Barna Balázs was born in 1976 and graduated from the Hungarian University of Fine Arts in 2001. His masters were Zsigmond Károlyi, Ferenc Kis-Tóth, and Gábor Nagy.
Imre Barna Balázs’s painting is exemplified by an organic network of gestures. Each canvas crafts its own milieu in which colors, shading, light, and layers are at once in perfect harmony and constant tension with one another. These worlds are open, constantly in motion, and multilayered – not only structurally, but also impact-wise. At first, the incredible intensity of Imre Barna Balázs’s images just about overwhelms the viewer. Only after this strong emotional experience does one realize that fortuity does not play much of a role in these works: each shade of color, the entire stunning complexity of the picture space, is designed and completed with painstaking attention to detail. Behind the vibrant, seemingly random cavalcade of color, one senses allusions to a higher realm. Imre Barna Balázs’s paintings point toward a sort of unpolluted wholeness, within reach only if we let the pictures guide us.