György Szabó, Munkácsy-prize winner sculptor is featuring Perceptions 3. -evolutio- with four artworks. I consider „The magician’s house” as starting point, because it’s forms and motives are maintained by the other exhibited works, „Tumbleweed”, „Sunkey”, and „Origin” too. „The magician’s house” gives a mythical experience of space and time. The buliding-like scpulture is build from irregular geometrical forms and constructive elements. It is not held together by physical disciples, but an inner, not wordly logic. Movement of the surface happens not just because of the technique, but also and mostly because of the shapes, hollows, various materiality here. This is also perceptible on „Tumbleweed”, on which the contructive forms are in constant motion, making for the sculpture’s inside, empty pole. This emptiness, hiatus is turned into sculptural space by György Szabó in the case of „Origin” The regular orb’s surface is covered with symbols in a repetitive rythm, which expands the artwork, as if the symbols were emanating from the centre’s empty space. Next to „Origin” stands an other piece of The „Magical orb” series, the luminary-like „Sunkey”. The motives on the raw, illuminating surface of the artwork are like a map to an imaginary galaxy. All these sculptures belong to the same magical universe, and György Szabó is the magician, who keeps every secret symbol and hidden space in motion.
written by: Zsófi Máté
photo: misi