On „Flux LVIII” by Imre Barna Balázs a dynamic system of gestures is appearing on the surface of the painting, blazing in the colors and lights of dawn. The gestures vivify the picture, while they transmit the stillness of motionless stationarity. Their various colors, variant intensity of their stratification do not result tension in the space of the picture. The ground of the artwork and the gestures on it resolve to eachother, creating indissoluble whole, sense of pure harmony. Though the gestures seem stochiastic, they are part of a larger order, in which every detail has it’s own space and function. They fill the space of the artwork with movement and stationarity at the same time, as part of the conscious composition. In the shapes of gestures we can observe the forms of nature on „Flux LVIII”. The painting by Imre Barna Balázs reflects how the artitst’s, or even the viewer’s inner world translates, recreates well known sceneries. Thus it is connetcted with the reality, not only visualizes it, but unfolds it’s connection to mental, spiritual contents with the instruments of painting.
photo: misi
written by: Zsófi Máté
Flux LVIII (130×210 cm, oil on canvas, 2014)