„Time Twine” by Attila Rajcsók and PAF is the connection of two artists, two art forms, two minds, in addition the objective effect of clear artistic humility. This takes openness of the artists, and also of the artwork itself. To Attila Rajcsók space-organizing of sculpture, and the question of balance is important. Welded steel straps of „Time Twine” embrace to eachother like they were a living, moving, pulsing organism, despite their stern material. The motive of eventuality on the clean, sterile surface of the sculpture appears only at the meeting point of the stratificating straps. This tiny detail has its own-from the viewpoint of the whole sculpture secondary-rythm, which could serve as the starting point of PAF’s work. „Time Twine” is completed by painted gestures. PAF vindicates the strong colors and the conscious gestures of his painting in a given dimension of form. Stratification of paint, the facture modificates the surface of the sculpture, and the variety of colors, varying of dark and plain gradations give a new rythm to the inner space of the sculpture. In the exhibition the postament with the sculpture on it stands on hangings painted by PAF. This installation is the counterpoint of the gestures on the artwork, which are settling of emotions. This means that they are carriers of underlying content, while the hangings could be defined as action painting, where the creatice process is more important az the message. It is significant to pin down, that none of the artists want to rule „Time Twine”. On the contrary, the artistic world of Rajcsók and PAF open themselves to eachother, honor eachother, adapt to eachother without losing their freedom. In this wise they twine in absolute harmony in an unique artwork.
written by: Zsófi Máté
photo: misi