“Prototype” by Mózes Incze represents a transition state, an intermediate substantial. The two sides of the figure’s body on the picture have the attributes of two different spheres. A white shirt is hanging from left shoulder, which can be understood as the symbol of life in this world, work and conventions. On the naked body’s right side, wanting to be released from the shirt, we can see a particular construction. A mechanical angelwing, which is not the organic part of the body. Despite it is an imitation, carries the opportunity of freedom and salvation. Just as the space opening behind the figure, it’s vibrant blue has the feeling, that the tanscend world is available. Mózes Incze vindicates a tense balance between the sphere of human and the shepre above human. The stern, mechanic swithes and wires, and that the figure is holdong his hand like Christ on the cross, his golden skin do not overwrite, but somehowe they supplement eachother on the picture. This is the balance of the composition, which can’t erase the mental incompatibility. It doesn’t want to. Is it possibile to exist is two different worlds at the same time, or get redemption with the help of modern technique? This is the experiment, that is performed by “Prototype” by Mózes Incze.
photo: misi
written by: Zsófi Máté
Prototype (100×140 cm, oil on canvas, 2014)