Art Salon Társalgó Gallery launches interactive live chat series in connenction to it’s Perception 5 / TACTILITY exhibition.
First check-in: on the 11th of March 2021, from 2:23 pm on our officially FACEBOOK page.
Our theme: the exhibiting artists presenting our concept in their work of art
At the first check-in Balázs Imre Barna, Esse Bánki Ákos, Kovács Kitti, Paulikovics Iván és Rajcsók Attila are waiting for those who are interested in.
Art Salon Társalgó Gallery launches interactive live chat series in connenction to it’s Perception 5 / TACTILITY exhibition.
First check-in: on the 11th of March 2021, from 2:23 pm on our officially FACEBOOK page.
Our theme: the exhibiting artists presenting our concept in their work of art
At the first check-in Balázs Imre Barna, Esse Bánki Ákos, Kovács Kitti, Paulikovics Iván és Rajcsók Attila are waiting for those who are interested in.
Art Salon Társalgó Galéria
1024 Budapest, Keleti Károly u. 22.
Tel: +36 1 212 56 48
1024 Budapest, Keleti Károly u. 22.
Tel: +36 1 212 56 48